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"We value partnerships and approach our business relationships with strategy and purpose"

Our commitment to economic growth sees TEi Services employ a current workforce of 60 locals from various backgrounds.  Our investment in our people is key to both their future in the industry and our success as a business.

Over more than 50 years, TEi Services has employed and trained in excess of 150 tradespeople through our apprentice intake program.  A large number of "homegrown" apprentices have gone on to hold key positions in mining and engineering companies, both nationally and internationally.  Others have started their own successful businesses, further adding to the strength of the local economy.

We actively engage with high schools, providing work placement opportunities with a trades and engineering focus. Our key personnel engage with students and industry bodies, present lectures and aid industry partners in ensuring continued growth in the manufacturing sector for future generations. 

We embrace training to support safety, knowledge and productivity within our business. We support an equal opportunity workforce, promote anti-discrimination, women in industry and ethical treatment of our staff, suppliers and partners. 

The success of our future relies on the success of our people, we are committed to a culture of continual improvement and opportunity for all.